This is probably going to sound weird. But i have an obssession with big cats but i can't stand small animals most of the time. I've had fish, turtles, cats and dogs but i refuse to have mice, hamsters, snakes or anything like that. It's weird. So in that sense i woul love to have a Snow Leopard. I love them. They look so majestic. I mean, how can you say no to this face. If they ever find a way to domesticate an animal like this i will be more than willing to buy one.
Today is me and my fiances anniversary so i wanted to get this post out fast before we actually went and did something. Tomorrows post most likely wont be from the 30 day challenge but i still want to post something.
I love you babe. Thanks for sticking by me while i go through a shit load of this stuff. You are the best.
Oh that's not weird! haha. Big kitties are awesome- and they look awesome too!