So the other day i was watching The View i believe and there was a news story about a young girl who was being suspended from school because she had a nose piercing and supposedly it violated her school dress code. She says it goes against her first amendment right seeing as she is a member of The Church of Body Modification. Now i have never heard about it and seeing as i am one of those people that likes to research anything and everything that interests me i googled it. Now I'm not big on religion whatsoever and i hardly go to church unless i have to for some reason. I consider myself an agnostic (i don't say that god doesn't exist i just can't say that he does without some type of evidence that he does in a nutshell and because nobody can tell me that they have seen him or her i don't have the evidence i need). Anyway, i looked up the church and read the mission statement and it said
"We, the congregation of the Church of Body Modification, will always respect our bodies. We promise to always grow as individuals through body modification and what it can teach us about who we are and what we can do. We vow to share our experiences openly and honestly in order to promote growth in mind, body, and soul. We honor all forms of body modification and those who choose to practice body modification for any reason. We also promise to respect those who do not choose body modification. We support all that join us in our mission and help those seeking us in need of spiritual guidance. We strive to share a positive message with everyone we encounter, in order to act as positive role models for future generations in the body modification community. We always uphold basic codes of ethics and encourage others to do the same. We are a dynamic community, always growing and changing, continually promoting safety, education, and experience in body modification."
And i do believe that getting a piece of metal stuck through your body or to have a needle repeatedly stab through your flesh to put a piece of art or words or whatever it may be permanently on your body is pretty spiritual. Personally, it kind of puts me in a trance when i get them done. I love it. I love the feeling. The way it looks when done properly. The beauty of them. The fact that you can pretty much wear your heart on your sleeve(or arm, or neck, or leg or whatever it may be). I have this obsession with them. The fact that you have to prepare yourself for that initial pain. It's beautiful. Deciding that you want to change something about yourself is a focus. It's not like changing your hair color or the shoes on your feet. You can change that if you don't like it. Getting a piece of art placed on the outside of you body can be done beautifully if done correctly. I love every one of my tattoos and piercings and i know that later in life when I'm old and gray and saggy i won't care. To be honest I'll still probably show them off. All of them show dedication to certain aspects of my life. My "Twitch" one stands for my time in the navy. My "what goes around comes around" one stands to remind me that everything i do will be returned to me. Good things come to good people. Like attracts like. Karma is a bitch. And my last name is just that, my last name. It's beauty to me. It's my connection to my family where ever i am. My maiden name. Because when i am officially married i will be taken my husband to be name. And i will be getting both his first and last name as a tattoo on my body. Why? Because he will always be my first husband and i will always be his first wife.
Body modification pretty much means anything that changes your body or appearance. There are tattoos and piercings. Scarification. Implants.Amputations. Corseting/Waist Training. Ear cropping. Elf Ears.And Tongue Splitting. So now you know my opinion.