Saturday, July 11, 2009

awake at 230 am & Las Vegas

OK, so i was woken up out of a great sleep at 230 am this morning by gun shots. My hubby woke me up by shaking me and saying "I think someone's been shot".And it was super close to where i was laying. And then the guy ran through our backyard because he lived in the building and he was trying to get inside so the cops wouldn't catch him. But the sucky part for him was that the cops were already around here anyway for something else so it took all of two seconds to catch him. Police officers, and flashlights were eveeeerrrryyyywherrreeee dude. it was crazy. I was up till 4 or something because i couldn't sleep at all. That was one hell of a way to wake up in the morning. lol
And im super excited because at the end of this month me and my love are moving. Whoop Whoop. Moving to Las Vegas. looking for a place right now. I'm super excited because when i go there i'm going to start school for cosmetology. I'm super thrilled about starting a new life with him and our future family. oh, and as soon i get my new camera i will start doing some makeup stuff and stuff like i really cant even talk today..[or type for that matter]. Enjoy the weather if its warm wherever you are.

1 comment:

  1. living in a busy city can be like that huh? :) hey don't go to a country side okay? or you'll change ur blog's name ....^_^
